Friday, August 22, 2014

Rambling Introduction

This is something new for me. I have never blogged before. I'm falling off Facebook. I'm trying to find better things to do with my minimal time that I have to myself. As the title implies, I am a stay at home momma to one beautiful little girl. I've thought about making a blog for a few years now, but I was never confident enough to give it a go, nor did I think I might actually have the time for it. As a child and well into my teenage years, I kept a diary. I wrote an entry almost everyday. Since graduating high school, entering into the "real world": college, work, getting married and having a baby. Time isn't as available as it used to be, to actually put pen to paper. I figure I'm a much faster typist than I am a writer, so I can dish out my thoughts a bit more quickly. Granted this is public view, so no fun secrets will be posted here. I mainly want to do this to help me document different happenings with my daughter. I've found that my days are running together and as I recall how old V was when she first smiled or laughed, I remember, but I have to reference back to her baby book to be 100% certain. Anyway, I'm going to see if I can give it a go.

Now that we have been in our new home for a month, I want to really get back on track and have a nice schedule down for both V and I. I feel bad that I haven't been working with her as much. I'm constantly on Pinterest pinning all these fun toddler activities but haven't implemented any yet. So today I'm going to try it.

I've made a rough draft schedule of how our days seem to go so far & where I can really squeeze in those toddler activities:

6:30-7AM Wake up
-Play time in bed-
8AM Eat Breakfast
8:30AM Wash dishes
-Self Play time-
9AM Bath
9:45AM Mommy showers
-Self play time-
10AM Mommy & V get dressed for the day
10:30AM Snack time
10:45AM Run errands/house chores
NOON Lunchtime
12:30PM Nap time
3PM Hang out with Daddy
4PM Snack time
4:30PM Toddler activites
5:30PM Outdoor activity
6:30PM Dinnertime
7PM Wash dishes
-Self play time-
7:30PM Watch a show
8:30PM Get ready for bed
8:45PM Read bedtime stories
9PM Bedtime

Maybe only an hour is not enough... But I feel like it's a good start even for me. I love playing with V, but I feel like my attention span is shorter than hers some times. Especially since I always feel like I can be cleaning while she's coloring, even though she wants me to sit there and color with her. Which I do, don't get me wrong, but just not as long as she wants me too. I guess I need to make a schedule to assure myself that I am giving her time haha. The quote, "long days and short years" applies very much to my life. I definitely love to make the most out of my day with her by taking her fun places as much as possible but I know she needs play that will better her toddler skills, ie: fine motor, senses, colors, alphabet, etc.

V is napping now, so I got onto Pinterest and I am going to plan out her toddler activities. I know I just have to implement the system so that it because a daily habit. Wish me luck. :)


PS: I'd love to hear about other mommy daily schedules and activities! :)